TOAST Exchange Terms & Conditions

  1. Only non-damaged TOAST garments will be accepted. Garments must be clean and ironed.
  2. All garments are to be handed to a member of the TOAST team to be assessed on arrival.
  3. Once garments have been handed over they cannot be returned to the owner, so please only bring garments you no longer want.
  4. Garments must be clean and ironed.
  5. For each TOAST garment (maximum of five), you will receive a token.
  6. There are three tiers of tokens, which reflect the original value of the TOAST garment: up to £150 (low tier), £151 - £250 (mid tier) and over £250 (high tier).
  7. A high tier item can be exchanged for a high, mid or low tier item.
  8. A mid tier item can be exchanged for another mid tier or low tier item.
  9. A low tier item must be exchanged for another low tier item.
  10. Due to the nature of the initiative, we cannot guarantee that you will find items you would like to redeem your token on immediately.
  11. You may return your newly exchanged TOAST garment, at any point while the initiative is running, to TOAST Exchange swapping events taking place on select days throughout the year. Upon returning your garment, you may swap your garment with another from the same tier.
  12. We are unable to hold TOAST Exchange items. Customers wishing to swap either need to bring in a garment for the correct tier or hold a token for the correct tier for the swap to proceed.
  13. There is no time limit on the use of each token.
  14. TOAST can choose to end this initiative at any point and will not be held accountable for any tokens that remain un-exchanged.
  15. TOAST has the right to donate or process garments that remain unswapped after a period of 6 months. This could be to any of the following streams: donating the items to a charity of our choice, an upcycling scheme, or fibre recycling. This will not impact the customer’s ability to use tokens to receive another garment.
  16. Minimum age is 18 years.


What can you exchange?
Dresses, skirts, trousers, shirts, tops, knitwear, jackets, coats, nightwear or loungewear.

What is not accepted?
Swimwear, underwear, jewellery, footwear, accessories, bags, homeware, damaged or unclean items.